Wednesday, May 21, 2008


No one really listens to anyone else,and if you try it for a while you will see why. MIGNON McLAUGHLIN.
When I first read this line I started thinking should we listen to everybody around, to all sorts of advice people dole out.Where would our civilization be if everybody listened to the elders to the authority figures ? Still beliveing Earth is flat, undergoing phelebotomy for diseases, go to witch doctor for remedy( hundereds of people still do that... only they are astrologers not witch doctors)


Srinivas said...
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Srinivas said...

I will listen, but to follow/have an idea based on it, is purely left to me...its a sort of data collection,finaly with other idea added will be my last words/actions...

shree sai nursing home said...

thanks sri for ur comment.I accept with you but what I meant was so called authority figures are so conviencing that you will not have any choice.