Sunday, March 16, 2008

Reservations ---- have they served their purpose.

Reservations based on caste are unique to India just like Tajmahal. They have been started with the purpose of getting social equality,60 yrs down the lane I personnally think there is a need for introspection . Have the reservations really searved their stated purpose(other than preserving the caste based political parties). I come from a village where there are alot of people (sc and st)who are still in the same conditions in which they were before,their children have not left for any jobs .Then whose children are getting better seats in colleges ?????
Do the children of an IAS officer or of any doctor or engineer need reservations(whatever be their caste)?The only people who need reservations are people who cant send their children to better schools .Give reservations to people in villages and to people in slums,only then India will achieve social equality.Education is a great leveller of caste or class based societies.Just see how europe and usa have broken the class systems in their countries, after second world war.
60 yrs of reservations have improved the lifes of many people the there is still a long way to go .
I think there is a need for audit on reservations.